Member Profile: Meet David
An entrepreneur in the medical food industry, David has conscientiously pursued wellness for more than twenty years. Being healthy is simply a part of his life. But, this wasn’t always the case.

During the first two decades of his career, David was a self-described workaholic and a heavy smoker. He ate whatever he wanted and never exercised.
As David approached his 40th birthday, he struggled with energy levels and extreme allergy symptoms. He could barely breathe through his nose and this made it difficult for him to get much sleep. After seeing several specialists who were unable to come up with a plan to help him, David reached a breaking point.
As a father of two young children, he knew personally how devastating it could be for a child to experience a loved one suffering from severe medical problems. David began to realize his lifestyle had caught up with him.
He knew that if he wanted to be around for his family for the long term, he needed to make some important lifestyle changes.
Fortunately, David is the type of person who knows what he wants and will do what it takes to get it. He made significant changes to his diet, quit smoking, and began exercising. And, within just a short time, he began to feel better.
He reorganized his entire lifestyle around the idea of being healthy. Over the years, David has honed a unique, personalized diet that includes raw foods, daily wheatgrass juicing, and lots of sunflower sprouts. He pairs this diet with regular exercise and daily meditation. Now, in his mid 60’s, David has more than enough energy to keep up with his family and stay on top of the demands of running his business.
Even though he is in peak shape, David became a Novara member as soon as he heard about our approach. As someone who is intrinsically motivated to be healthy, David values having a trusted medical advisor on speed dial. Someone he can talk with about nutrition and meditation. Someone he can trust to monitor his medical data, safeguarding him from medical problems before they ever happen.