Meet David. He’s a high-level executive who, like many of us, wanted to stay on top of his health, but felt overwhelmed by the process.

Health and wellness are a complex undertaking and understanding recommendations from multiple doctors only adds to the confusion. It wasn’t that David didn’t care about his health; it was that the traditional primary care system he was using didn’t provide optimal care and attention. He had personal health goals, but instead of trying to navigate his desires to eat healthier, continue to work out regularly, and manage his blood pressure all on his own, he wanted more guidance.

Enter Dr. Hager and Novara, who offered David a solution to his health concerns.

Novara’s revolutionary approach to patient care resonated with David. Suddenly, he wasn’t forced to make decisions about his health on his own. Dr. Hager’s personal attention and care were exactly what David needed to continue working toward his goals.

For the last few years, David has been committed to living a healthy life. He works out for 90 minutes every day, attends a weekly hot yoga class, and eats well. But through his partnership with Novara, he’s found even more motivation to maintain his physical fitness routine. He credits his membership at Novara with being a large part of his cohesive wellness plan since it helps him direct his prescriptions and medical care. Adding this level of care has helped David lower his blood pressure and has inspired him to eat and live even healthier.

David views Dr. Hager as his “quarterback” since he’s able to help David manage all the aspects of his health and guide decisions that are best for his wellness. This level of personal attention alleviates the burden of healthcare. David appreciates the timely appointments and personalized interactions he gets at Novara, but above all, he appreciates the help he now gets navigating the healthcare system. Novara helps him schedule his specialist appointments and reviews test results to help him stay on track. His wife has even noticed that his stress levels are lower since he started working with Novara.

Since Novara makes wellness more accessible, David can prioritize his health even though he has a demanding schedule.

David values his ability to text Dr. Hager with questions or health concerns, especially if he’s traveling and needs a quick response. For David, partnering with a doctor who knows him and is available when he needs help is immensely beneficial.

Since accountability is at the heart of Novara, David knows Dr. Hager will be checking up on him and truly cares about him and his goals. Now, he can embrace every aspect of his exciting life with open arms and without fear of his health hampering his plans. David is living life on his terms since he’s found a doctor who walks with him every step of the way.